
Aluvision, manufacturer of modular systems for the event industry and indoor and outdoor market was looking for a way to make their data coming from the ERP system and Excel easily available and combined into various reports. They chose 9A Smart Insights, combined with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations.

One version

Even before the search for a BI solution, Aluvision considered reporting through their legacy software: "Aluvision thrives on sales reporting, the legacy package placed spreadsheets on the server that the sales people could access. However, we felt a shortcoming going forward," explained Klaas Vermeulen, Finance Manager at Aluvision. So Aluvision started looking for a new solution. In that search, a few criteria were put first: "The main criteria were, on the one hand, that the application was completely in the cloud, on the other hand, that both the front and back end were manageable within the company itself."

"With 9altitudes' 9A Smart Insights solution, the entire reporting story takes place in the cloud. This allows our sales to view their reports real time on the job, as well as adjust filters themselves," Klaas adds. That's why Aluvision chose 9A Smart Insights, a solution based on Microsoft Power BI. "Consequently, we chose a one version story, specifically with Microsoft, both ERP, CRM and BI in one package."

The biggest advantage

Besides the cloud story, the solution has another big advantage. "9A Smart Insights has the biggest advantage that the data, which consists of different tables within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations story, is fully automatically mapped without any additional adjustments. This makes it easier for us to manage the solution from Aluvision."

"9A Smart Insights' biggest advantage is that the data, which consists of various tables within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations story, is fully automatically mapped without additional customization."

Klaas Vermeulen

Finance manager at Aluvision


Out of the box data mapping

Data from the various tables within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations is consolidated and mapped in a convenient way, making it easier to build reports and shortening the go live period.

One version

Because the ERP, CRM, and BI solution are from Microsoft, data is exchanged between systems and different departments are looking at the same data.

Manageable front and back end

Aluvision can make its own changes to reports.

A system in the cloud

The sales team can access their reports at any time, wherever they are.

"The software allows us to focus entirely on interpreting the numbers and reporting, rather than effectively creating that reporting."

Klaas Vermeulen

Finance Manager at Aluvision


"9altitudes seemed to us during the selection process the most suitable partner for our ERP, CRM and BI need based on several qualities: the team, the consultants, the pricing as well as of course the solution," Klaas explains. A few months after the start of the project, however, the covid pandemic broke out. "9altitudes came to Aluvision with the solution pre covid, but we were forced as a supplier to the event industry to put the project on hold during the pandemic. Together with 9altitudes, we fully restarted the project in 2022 to be successfully live today."

Future View

"Aluvision's digital transformation journey is still in its infancy," Klaas explains. "The thing is, we went live with ERP, CRM and 9A Smart Insights at the beginning of this year. When we also go live at our manufacturing subsidiary in Atlanta, we will continue our digital transformation journey there as well, as well as explore further opportunities within 9A Smart Insights."

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