Field Service makes Guldager more efficient
Guldager Wise Water Treatment in Denmark are specialists in water systems and in order to reach their high ambitions, they were looking for a new Field Service solution. The need for Field Service Management is closely linked to an internal analysis of what creates value for customers – and what does not:
"We create value when we are with our customers. Customers do not experience the value of our order processing – they only experience value when we solve a problem in their company. We perform many thousands of service tasks a year, so we spend many hours on planning and order processing. Therefore, it is important for us to streamline these tasks", explains CEO Claus Christian Torbøl and elaborates: "In the strategy process, we identified that many tasks and service processes were repetitions that could be automated. Partly to save hours, but also with the purpose of avoiding errors in order processing and planning."
Guldagers gain from the collaboration:
Claus Christian Torbøl

Vision of being the preferred servicepartner
- We want to be the preferred service partner that customers call when they need service on water treatment, says Claus Christian Torbøl, CEO of Guldager A/S.
A unified Field Service solution to scale to multiple countries
Guldager has companies in several countries, as well as branches around Denmark, which have been added through acquisitions. Claus Christian Torbøl therefore also had a need to combine the most important business systems:
"We already have Dynamics ERP. For us, it was therefore attractive to have Field Service on the Microsoft platform, so we do not have different systems that require different integration and maintenance. Therefore, it made good sense to combine it all on one platform. We are very pleased with the choice and we now have a modern and up-to-date Field Service solution that integrates with our ERP solution", says Claus Christian Torbøl.
In addition to integrating directly with the other solutions in the Dynamics universe, Dynamics 365 Field Service is relatively easy to scale to more countries once the first solution is established.
Was both recommended and adviced against Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service
Guldager has previously tried to implement other systems for Field Service Management, which unfortunately did not live up to expectations. At the same time, skepticism had arisen about choosing Dynamics 365 Field Service:
"We had quite high demands on what the Field Service system should be able to do, and had researched the market well. Several providers had even advised us not to choose Field Service from Microsoft and could not point to specific success stories out there", says Claus Christian Torbøl and explains: "9altitudes, on the other hand, could – as the only ones – show us selected references. At the same time, they dared to believe that Dynamics 365 Field Service was the best solution for us. And they were right."
- As the project got started, we learned more and more of the value-creating features that they had promised us.
The Field Service solution helps Guldager achieve important business goals
"Previously, we took on a more limited part of the service tasks within water treatment. In the future, we will be a full-service provider in the industry, where in addition to delivering new machines, we are also the customer's partner who repairs, delivers new spare parts, and services plants. With us, customers can gather their commitment. Only a few in our industry offers that today."
The Field Service solution in Dynamics 365 helps to handle service contracts and the customer's equipment in the same system. At the same time, the built-in Partner Portal makes it possible, for example, for customers to self-serve themselves, approve technician visits and much more:
"It takes away a lot of hassle for customers that they don't have to use two or maybe even three suppliers. When customers gather their entire commitment in one service contract with us, we are responsible for ensuring that the solution delivers the highest reliability and uptime, so that the customer avoids having to fight with several suppliers for responsibility and different conditions", says Claus Christian Torbøl.
The many built-in functions make it possible for Guldager to chase the goal of becoming a unified, value-creating supplier.
The system optimizes the execution and management of work orders
Dynamics 365 Field Service contains Resource Scheduling Optimization, which means that the company can optimize its resource planning.
The built-in intelligence in Resource Scheduling Optimization (RSO) can automatically schedule service tasks on equipment and facilities for the employees best equipped to perform them. The RSO can schedule many jobs at once, maximizing total time and minimizing total travel time:
"The algorithm that optimizes the routes of driving for our technicians is particularly relevant when many kilometers are spend on the roads. This means that in our lease agreement we can reduce the number of kilometers driven and both save money on cars and driving, as well as reduce our CO2 emissions", says Claus Christian Torbøl, who also refers to Guldager's work with some of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The intelligent and efficient service business of the future
In addition to optimizing mileage and work orders today, Claus Christian Torbøl also has great expectations on how Field Service solutions support Guldager's business in the future:
- Our Field Service solution will help us in several areas. More and more of our equipment is becoming intelligent and can communicate when, for example, there are challenges or if it is time to replace a spare part.
"Instead of getting alarms in via email, the Field Service solution automatically creates a workorder in the system and notifies the technician closest to where the alarm has gone off. Thus, our technician can remedy the problem much faster", says Claus Christian Torbøl before elaborating: "This also means that we can offer remote monitoring of customers' equipment via Connected Field Service. In this way, customers can outsource their service tasks to those of us who have the expertise. We can often anticipate the problems before they occur, so customers don't have to keep an eye on the equipment and possibly be hit by downtime."
Chose a Field Service partner with industry specialization
Guldager was looking for an IT partner who understood their business. In this area, Claus Christian Torbøl experienced that 9altitudes differs positively from other providers:
- Due to the fact that 9altitudes has many years of experience with other companies within the industry, there are many things that are significantly easier to describe and explain, compared to other IT partners without the same industry knowledge.
"One of the main advantages is how easy it is to discuss the challenges we have had previously with our planning or order processing. 9altitudes has shown great insight into our work processes, and we have received useful advice on how we can do things better now and in the future", says Claus Christian Torbøl.

About Guldager
Guldager was founded in 1946 and is one of Europe's oldest water treatment companies. The company has branches in several countries and has an aim of being the preferred partner and supplier for professional customers within service-based, intelligent water treatment and protection of water support systems – with respect for the environment and for the benefit of customers' finances and end users.