Vse je v ljudeh, le skupaj lahko ustvarjamo spremembe
V podjetju 9altitudes nam je mar za naše sodelavce saj so naši zaposleni jedro naše organizacije. V svetu digitalizacije s svojim strokovnim znanjem in izkušnjami nepogrešljivi za uspeh naših izjemnih strank. S strastjo in zavzetostjo prispevajo k uspehu naše organizacije in podjetij naših strank. Ne pravimo jim brez razloga 9AHeroes!
Podjetje 9altitudes je nastalo z združitvijo več močnih lokalnih igralcev, od katerih ima vsak svoj edinstven in uspešen pristop. S povezovanjem teh lokalnih akterjev povečujemo strokovno znanje in izkušnje naše organizacije, hkrati pa ostajamo pozorni na lokalno naravnanost in regionalni pristop.
Pri 9altitudes si delimo skupne vrednote in skupaj dosegamo nove uspehe z izmenjavo strokovnega znanja, učenjem drug od drugega, sodelovanjem in deljenjem najboljših praks. V skupini zagotavljamo okvir za regije, pravo delo pa poteka na lokalnih trgih - razmišljamo globalno, delujemo lokalno.
Dvignite svojo kariero v nove višave
As a growth company, we are constantly looking for new 9Aheroes. Experience within the sector is a plus to start your career with us, but it is absolutely not a must. On the contrary. Due to the internal training options, we have a trajectory for everyone with the right attitude, motivation and eagerness to learn. You bring in the enthusiasm yourself, but we work on your knowledge and expertise together.
We need junior profiles as well as more experienced employees such as medior and senior profiles. At 9altitudes, each employee has his or her own journey with lots of opportunities to further evolve & grow.
9altitudes is committed to developing expertise among all 9A Heroes. With the Young Potentials Academy, we give new graduates the chance to start and grow in our organization. Our objective is to create an exciting and engaging learning journey wherein technology, business and personal leadership are the major pillars.
In our blended learning approach, we mix enthusiasm with experience. Our experienced employees play a major role in this and love to share their expertise and know-how with our Young Potentials - involved to evolve, together with you.
Meanwhile, in Belgium we have trained 50 Young Potentials over the past 5 years, with the vast majority still part of the 9altitudes family. From September 2022 onwards, we will be working towards a Corporate Young Potentials Academy that will also include France, The Netherlands, Slovenia and Denmark.
We are ready to reach new heights ... Are you?
Objavo je pripravila Véronique Decoster, vodja oddelka za človeške vire pri 9altitudes
Vodja oddelka za človeške vire