IIoT solutions

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) offers diverse opportunities to enhance value for your business and customers. By leveraging IIoT, you can gain valuable insights into your production processes, energy utilization, waste management,... These insights empower informed decision-making and enable proactive actions. Moreover, IIoT can also provide visibility into how end products are utilized by customers, contributing to overall process efficiency.

Challenges within the manufacturing sector

In today’s dynamic business landscape, manufacturing companies must proactively address evolving challenges to remain competitive and flourish. Failure to do so can lead to operational inefficiencies, reduced adaptability during crises, financial instability, and other hurdles: 

Operational efficiency
Manufacturing firms consistently strive for peak efficiency within their production processes. This not only reduces costs but also enhances competitive capabilities.
Quality assurance
Ensuring robust product quality is essential for customer satisfaction. Minimizing product defects and implementing stringent quality control measures are crucial.
As customer demands evolve and personalized products gain prominence, manufacturing companies must maintain flexibility in their production processes. This adaptability extends even to unexpected crisis situations.
Remote control
Companies with multiple factories across diverse locations must vigilantly monitor production processes and efficiency in all facilities. Comprehensive awareness ensures optimal performance.
Big data analysis
Beyond data collection, effective utilization of big data analytics plays a pivotal role in strategic decision-making. Extracting valuable insights empowers informed choices.
Given the heightened environmental focus and emerging ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) guidelines, manufacturing companies must conscientiously integrate sustainability practices into their production processes.

Type of IIoT solutions

To answer the above challenges, you can invest in an IIoT solution. Within the realm of IIoT, two primary branches emerge: Smart Connected Products and Smart Connected Operations.

By leveraging Smart Connected Products, you can seamlessly connect and optimize end products. This approach not only enhances service delivery but also elevates customer satisfaction. Additionally, it opens doors for potential business model transformations.

Manufacturers can harness the power of Smart Connected Operations to gather extensive data directly from the factory floor. This data serves as a valuable resource for identifying trends and making predictive assessments about future events. Ultimately, it enables process optimization, waste reduction, and product quality enhancement.

Different criteria

However, with a wide range of IIoT solutions available, the question arises: as a manufacturing company, how do you make the right choice among these offerings? For this, you need to consider several factors, such as the specific application of the IIoT solution. Some applications focus on addressing one specific use case, while others offer a broader range of capabilities. It is also important to anticipate future needs and evaluate the scalability of the chosen solution. Toward real-time monitoring, differences are also noticeable. 

What is the added value of IIoT?

Increased sales

By making production process data visible, you can detect and prevent bottlenecks and causes of machine downtime, among other things. This increases efficiency, which in turn can lead to more products being made.

When you capture and provide insight into data from your finished products, you can optimize your product and provide better service to your customers. This results in satisfied customers who continue to invest.

Cost reduction

By gaining insights into your production process and the various parameters of your machines, you can detect and ultimately prevent machine downtime, energy consumption and quality problems, among other things.

When you are aware of (upcoming) defects in your end product at the customer's site before you leave for a maintenance intervention, you are better prepared and can already take any replacement parts with you. Moreover, you can direct the technician with the right knowledge and experience. This makes for more efficient service, which also reduces costs.

Increased efficiency

Being able to identify the bottlenecks and machine downtime within your production lines helps to take the necessary follow-up actions to prevent the same problems from reoccurring in the future.

When you can send the field service technician to the customer with the right info and the right replacement parts, your chances of a First-Time-Right maintenance increase, allowing your technicians to be used more efficiently and waste less time.

Increased customer satisfaction

When you have better insights into the conditions in which your products are made, you can optimize certain parameters and deliver better quality products to your customer.

The quality of your service also improves when you have more insights into your end products.

Risk reduction

By leveraging data to gain insight into your production process, you can enhance control over production parameters. This capability arises from (near) real-time visibility into ongoing production activities. For example, you can mitigate the risk of excessive part heating caused by ambient temperature fluctuations.

We'd love to help you with your IIoT solution.

Whether you're considering implementing IIoT in your manufacturing or products, are already working with IIoT and need support, or want to talk about how to get even more out of your existing IIoT solution, we're here to help.

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