9A Smart Insights for Dynamics 365 Finance

As a finance professional, trusting your data and working efficiently on budget preparation and performance reporting against goals is crucial. 

However, the task doesn't end there; you also need to consider complex cash flow analyses, consolidations across multiple companies, and financial statement preparation.

9A Smart Insights enables you to excel and expedite your work by providing valuable insights from Dynamics 365 Finance.

Save time, focus on what matters

The data you need for your reports is often scattered throughout the organization. You can’t necessarily get all your information from Dynamics 365 Finance.

Benefit from 9A Smart Insights' ability to integrate with other Dynamics 365 platform components and various data sources, providing the comprehensive overview you need.

Data is one aspect; equally important is having a user-friendly tool that doesn't demand programming skills or IT involvement, ideally without requiring significant time investment.

By standardizing data from Dynamics and other sources for visualization in Power BI, 9A Smart Insights saves you time, allowing you to concentrate on what's important: making informed decisions based on accurate data.

Outcomes that matter

Why 9A Smart Insights helps you perform better.

Combining all relevant data

Don't just rely on data from Dynamics.

Smart Insights can combine and standardize data from all sources to provide you with insightful reports.

Preventing discussion

Smart Insights ensures consistency in definition values across the entire company, eliminating discrepancies in values among departments.

Focusing on what matters

Spend your precious time analyzing data and making informed decisions. 

Smart Insights provides you with the accurate data, multiple insightful reports and standardized financial dashboards.

Performing better

At the end of the day, what truly matters is that BI enhances your performance. Whether through Excel or Power BI, 9A Smart Insights provides all you need for making informed decisions in minutes.

"Smart Insights has provided us with deep insights, enabling us to better manage various aspects of the business."

Tony's Chocolonely

What kind of reports can I create with 9A Smart Insights?

Content Packs include standard reporting for Sales, Inventory, Purchasing, Projects and Production, as well as General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Fixed Assets reports.

How can 9A Smart Insights support my budget cycle?
Power BI dashboards give you the insights to support your budget cycle. Think about historical data trends, financial performance, highlighting the performance of areas of business and identifying potential risks and uncertainties.
How can I create cash flow analyses with 9A Smart Insights?

9A Smart Insights integrates relevant financial data to analyze cash flow trends and variances using charts and dashboards. By using alerts in Power BI you can also monitor the ongoing situation, so you won't be too late.

How does 9A Smart Insights help me in my overview of multiple companies?
Our data model accumulates all the data of all the companies and Power BI uses filters to select one or multiple companies on your request. This can also be preset by using rights to certain roles, locations or specific employees.
How can my preparation of financial statements be easier with 9A Smart Insights?

9A Smart Insights streamlines the process by automating data collection, analysis and formatting. This reduces the time needed for the creation of financial statements but also reduces the risk of errors associates with manual preparation.

9A Smart Insights also has embedded data validation and cleansing techniques to ensure the accuracy and integrity of financial data.

What is the difference between 9A Smart Insights and Power BI?

9A Smart Insights is a ready to go BI solution, including Power BI dashboards. Power BI is a tool to gather data, model the data and visualize the data. 

The difference is that 9A Smart Insights gives you a quick start in the implementation of a Microsoft BI solution, with proven technology in combination with best practices.

The time to offer insights to your business is reduced with 70-80% in comparison to the creation of a custom solution using Power BI and starting from scratch.

All facts in a concise document

Read the product sheet for 9A Smart Insights.

Interested in all the details? We've put together a concise fact sheet to read and share amongst colleagues who are also interested in using BI to gain more insights into Dynamics data.

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